Monday, April 25, 2011

Sentenced to Freedom

I've been writing for years. I finished my first short story at around 13 and my first novel at age 26, which in some ways was semi-biographical since it dealt with a young family dealing with AIDS. It didn't get very far for a number of reason, but I think the biggest was that I feared the story was too revealing.
I've written dozens of short stories since then, a second novel and am near completion of a third, which will in fact be the first in a trilogy. So yes, I have a lot of paper piling up. Quite a few rejection slips as well, but that's par for the course.
For years, I've been waiting for validation that I was at least a decent writer by a fancy agent and a big house publisher. And of course, a big fat advance.
But times have changed. I have changed. My writing has gotten better and my confidence has increased. So I figure now is a great time to do my own thing. ePublishing and print-on-demand options make self-publishing a snap. Social networks provide great marketing outlets and my website, with eCommerce capability, is as they say in the Mother Land "soon come."
I'm super excited in introducing Slave Trade Publishing, LLC.
Why the name? A few reasons: One, I think any creative person will tell you that you are in bondage if you don't express your creativity; two, we have to release the negative connotation the word slave has for African Americans. Yes, we were brought here in chains. Yes, we built much of this country's infrastructure for free. Yes, we were treated inhumanely. No, we never got our 40 acres and a mule. But the past is the past. And like following your passion will set you free, so will releasing the pass. Stay tuned for my first release....

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Malaika! So happy to see you pursuing your dream!
